Earlobe Repair

Surface Medical Spas Layton, Utah Cosmetic Surgery

Heavy earrings, children tugging on sparkly objects and time in general can cause earlobes to enlarge and look out of proportion. Elongated holes, long lobes and tears can usually be repaired with little risk or complications by our earlobe repair and reconstruction surgery offered to Layton. Surface Med Spas offers the best earlobe repair, reconstruction surgery, and reduction treatments in Layton, and Salt Lake City, Utah. With our procedures, there is usually little downtime with the repair and results can be very rewarding.

Who is a candidate?

Anyone who is bothered by elongated piercing tracts, would like to repair gauged ears or someone whose earlobe has torn through. All of these individuals would benefit from this simple, outpatient procedure.

Procedure Description

Our Layton earlobe repair and reconstruction surgery is a relative simple procedure. Localized anesthesia is used in the area being treated, eliminating the need for general anesthesia. Patients are completely numb and very comfortable during the course of this short procedure. Our surgeon cuts away the damaged tissue of the ear and sutures the ear, leaving little to no trace of a scar or any abnormality.

Healing and Recuperating

Our earlobe repair and reconstruction procedure requires no patient downtime. Patients can be back to work the same day as treatment. We advise all of our patients to wait a few months before re-piercing and to pierce either side of the scar, not directly over the weaker scar tissue.

Intended Result

The doctors in Layton can insure a torn earlobe will be repaired. The scar from earlobe repair surgery is almost always imperceptible.

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Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Call and schedule a free earlobe repair in Layton Utah consultation with Dr. Barson and get the treatment you have always wanted! 801-335-3650.

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Our cosmetic surgeons have paved the way in the latest and most advanced cosmetic surgery procedures. We serve Layton, Park City, Salt Lake City, and surrounding areas.